Friday 13 May 2016

#5. You Want The Truth?

It feels like they’re not even trying. In an honest opinion about the US government is that they’re not even trying to at least be competent about somethings. But here’s the thing, they seem to be trying to appease all those who are within the same social rank (fairly wealthy) and have seemingly forgotten about those who don’t have that amount in their pockets. Since when did the American public just go around living in vast expensive houses where even a pair of shoes surpasses the price of more than $100? We don’t no one does that except for the rich and famous. Another thing, what about the veterans? What about the men and women who laid their lives down for the freedom that this country has, only to be tossed away and forgotten like old toys who are no longer useful for one reason? According to statistics, out of the homeless who are adults 12% of them are veterans with 10% of these being women. 68% live in principal cities, 32% in rural areas/ suburbs, 51% of individual veterans have disabilities which could have come from head injuries, brain injuries, shrapnel, gunshot wounds, and limb loss. Statistics from three different wars which are the Gulf war, Afghanistan War, and Vietnam War reveal that 10%, 11% 31% of veterans, in that order suffer from PTSD. 70% deal with substance abuse problems, and every day at least 22 of these men and women, including active soldiers commit suicide. That’s at an estimation of every 65 minutes.  We as a country need to stop with the feelings of superiority amongst ourselves. We need to learn to join together and thrive as one. Or have we forgotten that when we are unified we are stronger? Whenever the country went through hardship everyone came and joined together to pull ourselves of that position. Think about it, we did that when we suffered the loss of life in Pearl Harbor, when we went through the great depression and through the World Wars. We need to stop with the stigma that one person is better than another, that the amount of money in a person’s wallet or bank account automatically makes said person better than others. That the colour of our skin, religion or the gender that we are attracted to affects our place because that is not true!! We are all human!! We all feel, think and believe different things, not all of us agreeing with each other, but definitely not making us better than others. It’s never been the Independent States of America, but rather the UNITED states of America. Let’s act like it. 

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