Friday 13 May 2016

#6. Imma Let You Finish But..

I don’t agree. Looking in at my classmate’s blog post “Freedom” I see that she discusses the heated topic of same sex marriage, or as I call it fluff.  I’m not saying that every single moment of a homosexual relationship is like that, because in every relationship there will be some arguments or fights, but moving along. The reason I don’t agree is due to the fact that she brings up religion, *insert eye roll here* something that no matter what will always come up. BUT LET’S POINT SOMETHING OUT. Ahem. The bible also declares that shrimp (Leviticus 11:12), mixed fabrics (Deuteronomy 22:11), abortion (Exodus 20:13) –According to this website “a mammal’s life begins when the sperm from the father unites with the egg from the mother” -, divorce (Matthew 19:9), tattoos (Leviticus 19:28), haircuts (Leviticus 19:27), and working on Sunday are all wrong (Exodus 35:2). How scandalous!  Better put that shirt back on the rack, and the sushi down, and for the love of God put down the scissors and step away from the salon chair! That tattoo you wanted? Don’t even think about it, what are you crazy?! If we were to follow these rules, the world would be a very different place, with much stricter rules, and much heavier penalties. You killed someone accidentally? Too bad honey, he’s still dead and according to Leviticus 24:17 since you killed him, you’re going to have to die too.  And about the reproduction of the human race, sure males may not be able to have children together and the same can be said for females that are in a relationship but what about the couples who are in a heterosexual relationship but are infertile? What are we going to do about them? These couples go through the same problem as homosexual couples who want children and they all deal the adoption process –which mind you is very prejudiced against same-sex couples-, surrogacy and other ways of achieving the same goal: bringing a child into the family. Besides what is this a theocracy? We live in the 21st century for crying out! Let’s leave the religion to the priests in churches or temples, and the running of the country to the people in that place, what’s it called?? OH YEAH!! The White House, shall we? Oops I have to go! I’m late for my meeting with the leaders of the Gay agenda today we’re meeting in the place you designated us to -hell- and I’m in charge of bringing the rainbow cupcakes! Ciao!

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