Friday 13 May 2016

#7. So Tell Me, How Do You Feel?

This country needs to pull itself together. Or maybe take it’s head out of the sand, especially with all these controversies about the LGBTQ community. On display we have the idiot judge from Alabama who is trying to resist the legalization of gay marriage in that state (OH NO THE GAYS ARE HERE WHATEVER SHALL WE DO?!?!) the dunderheads in North Carolina who are set on the idea of keeping transgender people in the bathroom that matches the gender on their birth certificate which makes no sense considering no one carries their birth certificate on them and the only way that you can see what gender they are is by looking at their genitalia (and if you do actually do that then YOU are the one who is peeping, and should get a harassment complaint on your record with the police.). Drama over here drama over there drama everywhere!  First of let's clear something right up, NOT ALL OF YOU ARE GOING TO ATTRACT A PERSON JUST BECAUSE THE THING INBETWEEN YOUR LEGS MATCHES WHAT THEY LIKE!!! A LGBTQ person is just like you and me in the fact that they find some people are cute and others aren't. You may not even be their type! The stigma here is the exact same that is placed on other people, where if one is bad all of them are going to be. No! It's not like that at all, don't place the mistakes of one or two people on the entire community! It's like saying all Americans are obese just because one is. Another thing, this one in regard to the bathroom bill, what makes you think that they're going to the bathroom to creep on you, or harass you? If anything they probably just want to go take care of their business and it's actually YOU who is creeping them out. C'mon America snap out of it!

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